Promoting Early Progressive Mobility in the ICU with the GET UP Campaign
What is Progressive Mobility?
Progressive mobility is defined as a series of planned movements in a sequential matter beginning at a patient’s current mobility status with goal of returning to his/her baseline (Vollman 2010)
What are the ‘Must Haves’ for promoting mobility?
MUST DO #1: Walk In, Walk During, Walk Out!
- Determine pre admission ambulation status
- Don’t assume a frail appearance means weakness
- Use Get Up and Go or Timed Get Up and Go test to assess ambulation skills
MUST DO #2: Grab and Go Mobility Devices!
- Gait Belts in every room (Gait belts are used to help control the patient’s center of balance)
- Patients and staff have access to mobility devices
- Safe mobilization and patient handling training for staff
MUST DO #3: 3 Laps a Day, Keeps the Nursing Home Away!
- Track mobility: document frequency, distance
- Create a culture of mobility
- Make it visible (e.g., Walk of Fame Ambulation Board)